Looking for some cool add-ons for your Kickstarter campaign?
If you are a Kickstarter Creator and you want to give your backers a deluxe edition with great components, then Swanky Game is here for you.
We collaborate with creators to help them provide upgraded components to their backers. You can choose any of our designs in any combination, with NO minimum quantity at a great price!
Even if there is a component that we might not have in our collection, talk with us and we can produce for you at the same level of quality as all the other pieces from our collection.

We will help you determine the best marketing and pricing strategy for your pledges and addons, help you define the MSRP, the special KS price and the best bundles/combinations for your campaign.

You do not need to place an order until you know the exact number of packages you need for your fulfillment. For some creators this means that you can wait until you have opened your pledge manager!

Based on the quantity you will need, we might be able to deliver immediately upon ordering or in about 30 days (for larger productions. We handle all the fuss and deliver to the factory of your choice so that you can package them along with your games!

We start by giving you 50% discount on our MSRP and based on the final quantity you can get an even better price!
Do not hesitate to CONTACT US if you need more information. Our team is always glad to help!
Success Stories
Below you can see some creators that used our product to enhance their campaigns